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February 06, 2009



That's brilliant! Bicycle tax credits would also decrease the need for government spending in health care. Or the feds could just buy everyone a bicycle and call it a day... they'd still save tax payers' money.


I think it is a great idea.
For one thing, $9000 goes a lot further supporting biking than buying a single car. I am not sure about the health care benefits, as the number of bike injuries is bound to skyrocket as more car drivers and cyclists get used to sharing the road.

Rather than subsidizing bike prices (you can get a decent bike for less than $150) I think that attacking the reason more people don't bike is the best thing to do. Having separate bike lanes (ideally with a concrete separator) from car traffic increases the safety factor immensely and makes biking much more attractive. In Europe the areas that biking is a major mode of transport like the Netherlands and Scandinavia have these dedicated bike lanes all over the place.

Another benefit of the concrete divider bike lanes is that they need to be created with local labor, rather than buying a bike or car from foreign countries which increases our trade deficit (buying a car from an American company that may disappear is a real act of faith).


Bicycle commute is an easy and real way to reduce country's dependence on oil,fight epidemics of morbid obesity and bring runaway medical expenses under control. Bicycle tax credit is a great idea.

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